On Eden, the most fundamental pillar of all user interactions revolves around Circles. Circles can be understood as small communities based on common interests or identities. Whether it’s shared interest in fishing, attending Columbia University, being a fan of a particular figure in Anime, or loving Japanese green tea, anything can become the basis for a Circle.
Creating a Circle
Circles can only be created with our browser plugin. In the plugin, users can choose from AI-generated Circles or manually-created Circles. For AI-generation, users simply need to open the plugin from the top-right corner of their browser, and click on the plus mark for the generation to start. Our uniquely trained LLM will then analyze the content on the page and generate 5 Circles plus any number of recommendations for existing Circles. To finalize the generation process, users simply need to hover over 1 of the 5 circles and click “add”. This Circle will then be generated, recorded, and synced with our database and the main platform.
For manually-created Circles, users should select the option for “manually add Circles” and enter the desired title, description, and (optional) icon for the Circle. The icon for the Circle can be generated via our AI algorithm for both AI-generated and manually-created Circles.
Joining a Circle
Users can join a Circle from both our browser plugin and our webapp. In the browser plugin, users will see a number sign at the bottom-left corner of the plugin icon indicating the number of existing Circles on the page. By opening the plugin, users will be able to see the Circles linked to this page and will be able to join any Circle from this tab. For example, take a look at the screenshot below:
Interaction Within a Circle
After joining a Circle, users will be able to see the identity (profile name, picture, and other information depending on other users’ privacy & visibility settings) of other users within the Circle. They will also be able to freely post and interact with other posts within the Circle. In our future updates, the creator of a Circle will be able to set limits & rules* for the Circle he/she creates. For a limited time during our beta launch, users will be able to freely join and create any Circles of their likings.
*Limits & rules for Circles is a feature still under development and the exact functionality will be finalized in future updates. These rules include setting Jade cost to join, specific requirements for account age/activity, user’s level requirement, etc.
Last updated